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Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Book Review Jarrod Gilbert PATCHED: THE HISTORY OF GANGS IN NEW ZEALAND. Auckland University Press, Auckland, 2013 (344 pages).
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Chapbook Review: UNO MAS. Words: Rich Wink, Ryan Quinn Flanagan, Ben John Smith; Photography: Jimmy Gerrard. Horror Sleaze Trash Press, 2015.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
100 Top Hits on Bold Monkey (as at 2 July 2020)
Hello dear reader, here are the latest stats of the most viewed stuff on BM & the relevant links to the site. The list is not totally accurate but gives you an idea of some of the best and most read material on the blog. Hits to date: 433,854. Thanks for reading BM!
Last Updated: 11 Nov 2020
Find an excellent podcast of an interview of John Martin (formerly owner of Black Sparrow Press 1966-2002) by John Wilk here:
In the interview Martin talks about a wide range of issues including his early love of reading, how he got into the publishing business, his relationship with Bukowski, his impressive stable of writers- including Paul Bowles, Ed Sanders, Jack Spicer & others and the reasons for selling his press and publishing rights in 2002 to Harper-Collins.
This biography provides a chronological account of Leonard Cohen’s personal and professional lives. It establishes the context and reception of each one of his books, albums and tours. Simmons, a renowned music journalist, also provides a critical analysis of his texts and details how Cohen carefully assembled bands to promote his albums:
This is a highly engaging and lucid account of Bukowski’s mad, full-on life. Barry Miles attempts to unravel the man from the myth, pointing out how Bukowski’s celebration of the low life was probably 50% fact 50% fantasy:
In this interview with UK poet & publisher John D. Robinson, Anderson talks about his chapbook Fuckwits & Angels here:
#72 The Best Trump Cartoons (2016)
Here are ten of the best from the self-confessed genius from 2016:
Leading Australian poet generously gives BM first electronic rights to post his epic verse novella "In Our Four Dominions":
This is hall's first collection of poetry. It won the 2015 Blood Pudding Press Poetry Chapbook
#60 Book Review/ Interview: Paul Harrison Corrugator
This is the third volume of Campbell's shit-raw auto-biography about his exploits as an outlaw Australian biker:

Despite its rough edges & excesses- this is perhaps the best book of poetry published by Epic Rites Press:

This is the muttha fukka who introduced me to Bukowski when I was working as a fleeso in NZ decades ago. His work is riotously funny with a subversive edge.
Schneider writes about his job as a cabbie in Tucson Arizona. One of my favourite collections of poetry:

If you want to find out more about the sensation that is Yamrus- this is the first book of his you must read:

This is Carstens first book of poetry in which he dwells into his favourite topic from a variety of perspectives- DEATH!:
#25 Book Review: Paul Harrison Meet Me At Gethsemane
A fine first collection of confessional poetry by one of the best small press poets in Australia:

Calonne is the best academic currently collecting & writing about Charles Bukowski. Here he presents a concise, insightful overview of Buk's life work:
This is a wonderfully eccentric short novel by the master.
#18 TV Review: TV Series: Bikie Wars
#17 Book Review: Bel-Ami
#16 Book Review: David Spiteri The Prez
#15 Book Review: Charles Bukowski Post Office

As legend has it, in 1969 the small press publisher John Martin offered Bukowski $100 a month to quit his job as a mail-sorter in the LA Post Office & to write whatever interested him. This novel was the first instalment in the pairs' extraordinary collaboration:
At last count there are 11 ECCO post Buk-death poetry books published by ECCO. Probably about 4000 pages worth. Some quality stuff but a lot of questionable material which Bukowski probably wouldn't have wanted published in his lifetime. I keep my commentary to a minimum in this post & simply list what I consider Buk's best to worst poetry books published by ECCO after his death in 1994: The post was linked to a 2015 New York Times article here:
#12 Book Review: Charles Bukowski The Last Night of the Earth Poems
This new series is worth watching and now out on DVD:

I reviewed this book in anticipation of the upcoming New Zealand film 'Hunt For The Wilderpeople' which the film is based on:
#8 Book Review: Charles Bukowski Factotum
This is easily Bukowski's best novel:
I reckon this is Buk's best posthumous collection:
#6 After the Bomb Book Reviews: The Best Cold War Novels
I use this post to briefly examine the merit of Cold War literary texts. There are 22 to date & counting:;postID=5077914493296447050;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=59;src=postname
It took a couple of years to develop an interest in this review but now it's humming:
#4 Book Review: Charles Bukowski Women
This post provides a short review, but more importantly, a sampling of some of Bukowski's choice quotes:
#3 Book Review: Caesar Campbell Wrecking Crew.
This post still keeps ringing up scores on the board. Campbell was a founding member of the Bandidos in Australia. In his memoir, he provides us with dozens of real-life incidents which will make your head spin:
Bukowski somehow continues to engage with thousands of readers a couple of decades after he has died. This post has received more than 10,000 hits. Here is an assessment of his novels: