The notorious criminal and writer of ‘true crime’ novels, Chopper
Read, died this week of liver cancer, aged 58.
Sydney Morning Herald news:
Channel 7 News on his death:
ABC: 13 things you may not know about Chopper Read:
Andrew Denton interviews Chopper Read on Enough Rope in 2007
His novels are crass, exaggerated tales but were popular,
especially in the 1990s and Read sold in excess of 500,000 books.
Bibliography (from Wikipedia)
- Chopper: From the Inside (1991), ISBN 0-646-06543-2
- Chopper 2: Hits and Memories (1992), ISBN 0-646-10987-1
- Chopper 3: How to Shoot Friends & Influence People (1993), ISBN 0-646-15444-3
- Chopper 4: For the Term of His Unnatural Life (1994), ISBN 0-646-21014-9
- Chopper 5: Pulp Faction: Revenge of the Rabbit Kisser and Other Jailhouse Stories (1995), ISBN 0-646-25065-5
- Chopper 6: No Tears for a Tough Guy (1996), ISBN 0-646-29637-X
- Chopper 7: The Singing Defective (1997), ISBN 0-646-33923-0
- Chopper 8: The Sicilian Defence (1998), ISBN 0-9586071-0-9
- Chopper 9: The Final Cut (1999), ISBN 0-9586071-4-1
- Chopper 101⁄2: The Popcorn Gangster (2001), ISBN 0-9579121-0-2
- Hooky the Cripple: The Grim Tale of a Hunchback Who Triumphs (2002), ISBN 1-86403-165-4
- The Adventures of Rumsley Rumsfelt (2003), ISBN 0-9579121-7-X
- Chopper 11: Last Man Standing: From Ex-Con to Icon (2007)
- Mark 'Chopper' Read: One Thing Led To Another (2010), ISBN 978-1-4050-4046-4[20]
- Mark 'Chopper' Read: Road to Nowhere (2011), ISBN 9781742611457[21]
- If you are game, buy his books here:
Update 28 December 2014
Recently read Read's semi-autobiographical crime-faction CHOPPER 5: Don't Go Breaking My Legs (2005)
More later.