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Thursday, January 19, 2023

New Release: Seppuku Issue V (Laughing Ronin Press, 2023) 85 pages


I received my contributor's copy a few days ago and was impressed with the the quality of writing in this collection. Seppuku is edited by the American writer Joseph Fulkerson who also runs Laughing Ronin Press, publisher of alternative small press icons, such as, John D. Robinson, Rob Plath, Kevin Tosca, John Dorsey and Tohm Bakelas.

Seppuku describes itself as "a quarterly journal showcasing poetry, short fiction, flash-fiction, haiku, and any writing that drips with authenticity". There are 23 contributors in this issue.

The best work in Seppuku V include poems by Gwil James Thomas, Paul Corderiro, John Dorsey, Bradford Middleton, Jason Baldinger and Eddie Black's short story 'Blood Feud'.  

Easily the best text in the collection is the outstanding sixteen page short story 'Worm Food' by Jack Moody. It is about two guys, Danny and Terrance who chase bad car crashes in order to test out their unusual hypothesis on death. The writing is tight, highly imaginative and cleverly constructed. I definitely will check out more of his work!

Buy the collection here:

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