J.J. Campbell (1976 - soon) lives and writes in a small town in Ohio. He's been widely published over the years, most recently at Dead Snakes, Horror Sleaze Trash, Your One Phone Call, Chiron Review and ZYX. His most recent collection of work, Sofisticated White Trash, is available from Interior Noise Press and wherever you happen to buy books these days. You can find J.J. most days bitching about things he only cares about on his highly entertaining blog, evil delights. (http://evildelights.blogspot.
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an impossible challenge
i don't know if it
was your stunning
eyes, the high
cheekbones or
your beautiful
black skin
but i could tell
you're obviously
a woman that
doesn't take
shit from
and i'm the kind
of guy that enjoys
an impossible
but judging from
the size of the rock
on your finger and
the amount of drool
running down your
child's face
i've learned over
the years that some
challenges are better
left for some other
unlucky soul
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something that looked like a hand
a woman walking
her dog found a
body in a ditch
yesterday frozen
to the ground
the authorities
think it could
have been there
for more than
a week
the woman only
recognized it was
a body when the
dog started to chew
on something that
looked like a hand
welcome to death
out here in the sticks
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making the world a better place
end of the world
snowfall before
winter even begins
and then it's all
going to melt by
the weekend
these are the
moments where
i hope the floods
wipe out all the
cities on earth
and i know it's
not healthy to be
so bitter
but i'm not exactly
one of these fuckers
pretending he wants
to live forever
i've been wishing
for my death before
most of you were
even born
i can hear one of
you young hopeful
fuckers mumbling
about all the time
i could have spent
making the world
a better place
imagine how much
violence comes from
not being able to mind
your own fucking
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the pain of not being good enough
adrift in exile
write out the
may this be
the final note
the final
of my ugly
no one
the pain of
not being
good enough
my ego is not
strong enough
to demand that
others do so
put a gun in
your mouth
and understand
if god loved
it never would
have come to
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who's laughing now?
i once had a
dream that my
aborted child
came back to
kill me one
that always
made me
as i always
figured she
never was
it was just
a ploy to try
to win my
of course,
she's now
with a child
living happily
and i'm all
the shotgun
leaning against
the wall over
in the corner
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J.J. Campbell
51 Urban Ln.
Brookville, Ohio 45309-9277