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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Featuring Howie Good

A Piece of History

Farmers on tractors were singing to their favorite crops, and the bearded lady was beautiful in her own way.A love suicide stopped drowning for a minute to pose for pictures. Then it was finally my turn to speak. I’d barely begun when the judge interjected, “Spare us your life philosophy.” I remember thinking, “What’s there to say, anyway?” Everything was glowing. People, birds, dragonflies, grass, trees – everything.Although Hitler was presumed dead, the screams from the gas chambers went on. Neighbors, when later questioned, said they thought it was just the collection of Hummel figurines above the fake fireplace.

Only Beauty Survives 

The king delighted in varying which crown he wore. One day he'd wear a crown of gold; the next, a crown of silver or of iron, or even a crown eccentrically fashioned from barbed wire. When he wore the latter, he was always surprised when blood ran in rivulets into his eyes. The queen, meanwhile, hated anyone who might be thought more beautiful than she was. She frequently sent assassins throughout the land to eliminate all possible rivals. That sound isn't thunder, people would say, but an assassin rapping on the door of a cottage until his knuckles are raw.

Life and Nothing But

The police nowadays consider a gathering of three or more people a riot. I try desperately to speak out, shriek like someone warning of an approaching fire, but can’t, because of a sudden terrifying lack of breath. All these events, crises, dramas, convulsions – literature pales by comparison. When I cross any border, there is always an uneasy moment when I feel myself automatically regarded as an enemy. We are surrounded by murderers. Like those jellyfish on the beach. Children stab them with sticks without realizing they are living creatures. Life is nothing but being stabbed, knifed. We are the wound.



After the Bomb

A former beauty queen has been found in her bedroom decapitated, limbless, a chainsaw nearby.  The floor is littered with discarded gloves and face masks. On the wall, a decorative wooden sign says, “Breathe deeply and calmly.” How do you do that? This might not be hell, but it definitely isn’t heaven. We need a plan, an intervention, something. In Hiroshima after the bomb, they piled the bodies in the swimming pool at the college and cremated them with scrap wood. The smell of smoke chokes us; the heat scorches our eyeballs. Sirens scream in the distance. Assume the monster is everywhere.

 Reason to Believe



By late March, tens of thousands

were about to die from the virus.

I was sad, so sad. Then the sun

would come up and the buds open

a little more each day. You could hear

the music – the Mister Softee truck

was out. You just had to watch for it.



As I go around town

I see people wearing

face masks all wrong,

under their noses

or even their chins.

I don’t want to get

into it with them.

I just want to get away.

Given a choice,

I’d live somewhere

civilized and safe,

somewhere like Switzerland,

but without all the cows

and glaciers.



It’s important to pay attention to possible omens.

Like the tall weed growing across the street,

whose milky white sap is said to relieve pain.

Do you have 30 seconds? I swear sometimes it glows.





Howie Good is author of THE DEATH ROW SHUFFLE, a poetry collection forthcoming from Finishing Line Press.


See more poetry by Howie Good on BM here:


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Conrad Aiken Selected Poems (Oxford University Press, 2003) 292 pages

One of my favourite poems in my early 20s, long before I thought about venturing to write the stuff, was Conrad Aiken’s masterpiece ‘Blues For Ruby Matrix’ (1935):

 I used to be a frequent visitor to Ashwoods second hand bookshop & records on Pitt Street in Sydney and one day came across a vinyl record of CONRAD AIKEN READS: ‘A Letter From Li PO’, ‘The Blues of Ruby Matrix’, and Selections from ‘Time In The Rock’ (CAEDMON TC 1039). The album’s back cover notes state that ‘The album cover is a reproduction of a painting by the noted English artist EDWARD BURRA, and represents the artist’s conception of ‘The Blues of Ruby Matrix.’ The poems were recorded in New York City on 23 June 1955.

I fondly recall listening to the album, often with friends, hundreds of times in the 1980s, and as the beers were being skolled, subverting the lyrics and creating a parody of sorts, especially Part I  & II.

 Tried to find a recording of the poem today online but was unsuccessful. If you have a recording of ‘Ruby’ which I can post online, please let me know. The poem can be found in his Selected Poems Oxford University Press publication, which has a forword by Harold Bloom.


Apparently, Conrad Aiken’s poetry is now making a come back according to Tyler Malone of The Los Angeles Times.


Check the poem out!






Conrad Aiken in 1951 reading his poems ‘Hallowe’en’, ‘The Things’, ‘Moratorium’, ‘The temptation’ and ‘The Orchard’ (31.27):


LA Times: Is It Time To Rediscover Conrad Aiken (Tyler Malone 13 April 2017):


‘Conrad Aiken and Consciousness’: