Counterexample poetics is a new magazine edited by Felino Soriano (pictured right). Like Soriano’s writing this site has a philosophical bent to it which gives it a unique feel on the net. I can’t claim to understand their work on first reading but there is some impressive wordplay here by Daniel Wilcox, Adam Cornfield, John C. Goodman, Juliet Cook and others which deserves closer srutiny. I like the crumpled, throw away look of this magazine. You will also find three poems by me.
Toe the armchair philosopher in the third poem has appeared in five or so poems in the last year in magazines such as Zygote in My Coffee, Gloom Cupboard and others. He is loosely based on a childhood friend in Montreal whose head one night resembled my cousin Chopper’s outstretched toe. That is as far as the comparison goes. Toe becomes a sort of ‘all-licensed fool’ where he can spout all sorts of philosophical nonsense based on his limited or selective, ideological view of reality.