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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Submissions to Bullshit Lit's Second Anthology close soon


Submissions to the Anthology close in 2-3 days. Their standards of bullshit are very high. Haha! My submission below reeks of it but fell short of their mark:

A Shithouse Narrative


‘The most beautiful flowers grow out of shit but it is shit alone that helps us create’. 



This is a poem about shit/ is shit- 

you be the judge.



The Greater One Horned Rhinoceros 

produces about 25 kilos of dung per day

they are the ultimate loners-

while foraging in the wild

they use their keen sense of smell to sniff

out the freshness of droppings of their own species- 

only to head the other way.



At Sutherland Railway station on platform 3

face the eastern wall under the bridge-

if you look closely

you will find the collected excrement

of several generations of pigeons-

layered in waves of muck

4 by 2 metres in size.



The great late Canadian poet Al Purdy 

was fascinated by shit-

he wrote about it often in his work.

In ‘When I Sat Down to Play the Piano’

he describes how Eskimo dogs had a wild

appetite for human excrement. In another masterpiece,

‘Death by Numbers’ fearing the approach 

of death, he describes

how he daily inspected his faeces 

for traces of blood.



In Kejimkujik National Park in B.C.

there is a warning sign in a hemlock forest which reads:

‘A free standing tarp is recommended

to avoid falling frass (larval faeces) from

the Pale-Winged Grey Moth’.



When my eldest son Abel was 2

I took off his nappy

to air his bum out in front of the TV.

When I returned from the kitchen

he was smearing the boob tube with poo.

Was this a pubescent act of anarchy, or simply,

a natural disdain for mass consumerism  ?



In Swift’s satirical ‘Academy of Lagado’

a visiting surgeon describes at length 

how human excrement is analysed in detail 

at the academy to determine the original 

composition of the food consumed as a means 

of detecting anti-government conspirators.



During the 14thCentury

the bubonic plague

was seen by some scholars as resulting

from a sort of ‘cosmic constipation’-

the breathing in of some foul fumes

wafting up from deep inside

the bowels of the earth.



Dear Reader 


You can probably surmise from the above anecdotes

that I have collected dozens of other equally ass-kicking ones.


You may also be wondering why I have this obsessive fascination with crap,

and deep down, what the shit I hope to achieve?


I don’t really know. Honest.


Perhaps I am attempting to explore excrement as an emblem 

for human endeavour. As a kind of a universal and personalising 

force which solidifies the artistic process…


Sorry reader, what it you say? 


OK yeah, I admit it: I’m full of it!

In contrast, Red Focks the editor of Alien Buddha Press had no qualms about accepting this previously rejected masterpiece for The Alien Buddha Gets Rejected Part 2 (February 2023). True story:

Bathurst After lunch


We check out

the Visitor’s Centre

to see if there is

a winery nearby.


On the way out

I head to the Gents

for a quick piss.


Opening a cubicle

the toilet bowl

is a mass of

shit & blood


as if the bloke

has blown a gasket.


He must have been in

too big an emergency


to actually turn around

& flush the goddamn toilet!

Then again Red rejected  this tongue-in-cheek satirical work I believed in:

This One Is For Free


Most readers,


want everything

for free

these days.


Newspapers & magazines

are massively shredding

staff. Others have folded. 

Independent presses are drying up.


Most things are available now online

with the click of a mouse.


I tell you dear reader the best 

I can offer you now is this humble poem.


There may not be very much to it

in substance 


or effort-


but you get what you fucking pay for

you cheap prick! 

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