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Thursday, January 13, 2022

New Poems: Jon Bennett



Just past Twin Bridges  

a snow chain broke 

lashing the wheel like a whip 

so I got out  

and lay in the slush to fix it 

It was 4am, no cell service, freezing 

and I pulled at the octopus of wire 

until my fingers were numb 

I knew a man in Reno  

with a problem 

and a big wallet 

and although I got his money 

the Sierras wanted revenge 

As a last resort 

I took off the wheel 

but the car shifted in the muck 

slipped from the jack 

and pinned my arm 

After yelling for a while  

I thought I heard 

a large animal 

and it was then I remembered  

Donner Summit, 

how one minute 

you’re looking a man in the eye 

and the next 

he’s in your stomach. 




I was only 14 

but I had a friend who knew someone 

and we got a job stripping 

the covers off paperbacks 

When a bookstore can’t sell something 

they return it to the distributor, 

romances, mysteries, magazines, 

the distributor in turn sends the covers 

back to the publishers 

to prove they weren’t sold 

The warehouse we worked at 

happened to be gay owned 

they had HonchoBlue BoyTorso 

a real eye opener to me 

but they also had 

ClubGalleryHustler, Chic, Juggs 

and it was all destined for the trash pile 

I was a morbidly obese preteen 

and no one paid attention to me 

as I left with boxes 

of stripped science fiction and porn, 

the substance worthless 

without those  

precious covers. 


Smackulon Lord of Junk 


The doctors had put me under 

with fentanyl and midazolam 

and I was having a dream 

Smackulon, the Lord of Heroin, 

was sitting at a bar 

and pushed a shot glass toward me 

“Don’t be a wuss,” he said  

When I drank this magic liquor 

a doorway opened 

to my colon 

and Smackulon and I 

walked through, arm in arm 

We saw gladiola-like microbes, 

fluorescent lichens, cawing crows, 

a chocolate river 

and a fissure to Hell 

where all the cancer 

was leaking out 

Then Smackulon shoved me 

headfirst into that fiery place 

and when they woke me  

I found  

I was still 

in a world of shit. 




Jon Bennett writes and plays music in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood. You can find his work on most music streaming websites. A collection of his poems is available on Amazon at  You can connect with him on Facebook at

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