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Monday, December 6, 2021

Featuring Ian Lewis Copestick

   Six p.m. Saturday Evening


It blows my mind to think of all of the

Human lives with all of their own private

Sorrows and joys, even in this little town

Six p.m. on a Saturday evening, just think

Of all of the different slices of life

Happening right now in all of these

Small houses. People getting ready for

A night on the town. The women

Putting on their make- up and curling

Or straightening their hair. The men

Drinking a couple of cans to help them

On their way, rubbing their hands

Together with glee at the thought of

A real good piss up. Or the poor

Lonely souls, watching crap prime time T.V.

Sadly looking forward to Monday

Because at least there are people

At work they can talk to.

Then there's me, writing poetry

In a £1 notebook, writing down

All of these worthless thoughts

There are thousands of other

Stories too.

I can't help but wonder, and I wonder

Why don't you


     Far Out, Man !


It's a late summer evening

It's close to 10 'O’ Clock

I hear the birds singing

With the pleasure that they've got


I am 48 years old

And life is getting rough

All the beliefs which I've been told

Are nowhere near enough


Christ on the cross

Buddha in the lotus position

To me, it's all lost

All just superstitions


We're just floating on a ball

In the middle of nowhere

If there's any miracle at all

It's that there's any life there


I don't believe in any deity

I think that is cosmic enough

And it blows my mind for me

When this life is getting rough


          The Real Realities


I was reading Lorca, and about his poetic theories

The difference between ‘ imaginative poetry ‘

And ‘ inspired poetry ‘. I was feeling pretty good

Thinking about writing a long, stream of consciousness

Poem. I went downstairs to get a coffee

Noticed that the cat's litter box needed changing.


Well, if there's one thing to clear your head

Of poetic fancies, it's changing your cat's litter box

You're thrust into the real realities

Of life. Piss and shit.

I forgot about a stream of consciousness

As a stream of cat urine ran down my hand.

Instead, I came upstairs and wrote this

The literary equivalent of what I've just thrown away



          My Nightmare


Every writer thinks they're writing great stuff

If they didn't, why on earth would they bother

Each one thinks they're a genius, craftsman or seer

That they're better than all the others


Who wants to think that they are mediocre

To admit that they are no good

When they feel art in every heartbeat

And literature flow through their blood


At least 90% have to face up to the fact

That they never got it quite right

No, they weren't what they thought

They weren't quite good enough

Their names will disappear into the night


It is one of the saddest things about humanity

To live a full life, yet get nowhere

To be born at the bottom of the mountain

And a lifetime later to be still standing there


To never make a mark upon the Centuries

When you see the rubbish the public is fed

The  morons get rich and move 

To L.A.

You're stuck in Stoke and might as well be dead


 On Poetry As Flower Arranging


Reading a slim book of poetry

On life and it's mutability

Poems written from inside of

A safe, cosy, middle class cocoon

The words have no sharp edges

To burst the balloon

Poems about flowers

To while away the hours

Between the visit of the vicar

And the next pot of tea

Not poetry for you and me

Or anything like reality

Poetry as a gentle hobby

Like baking

Or flower arranging

Not poetry from the gut

That comes raging

Like fists planted upon the page

Poems of loss, or love, or rage

But tenderly placing

Each word on the page

Like a delicate flower

To be arranged

I don't hate the woman

Who wrote this stuff

For her this obviously is enough

I envy her easy life

It's lack of struggle

It's lack of strife

Perhaps one day it will be me

Writing of such superficialities

When I'm fat, well fatter

Rich and content

And all of my life force has been spent

I'll sit in my garden

And smell the flowers

Then, while away my hours

In my hobby, writing poetry

Between the visit of the vicar

And the next pot of tea


         Thrown Away


I remember when I was young

Much younger, just left school

In fact. I was in college, I was

Supposed to be studying to be

An engineer. I had no interest at

All in engineering. The only thing

About college that was fun was

Going to the pub at lunchtime.

Eventually, they threw me out

For turning up two hours late

For afternoon classes so drunk

That I could hardly stand.

Anyway, I remember the main

Lecturer as he kicked me out

Of there. He gave me a real

Bloody lecture. He looked down

At my file, open on his desk and

Told me how I had thrown away

Every opportunity I had ever had.

I think he meant the scholarship

To a posh, private school that I

Was given aged eleven.

I absolutely hated it and left

After a year.

“ Every chance you've been given

You just throw them all away.”

Perhaps that's why now, all

These years later, I find myself

So often rooting through the

Rubbish of life.

I'm trying to work out just what 

It was I threw away, and seeing

If I can find it again






Browsing through my phone today

I saw something ;

‘ Click HERE for a free pdf

Of Charles Bukowski poetry ‘

So I clicked and

The next thing I saw wasn't poetry

But hardcore porn and messages

Supposedly from women who live

In my area who are desperate for

No strings sex with any man

Available and willing.

Obviously these women don't exist

I hope these women don't exist.

That attach such little value

To themselves.

I only wanted to read  some poems

Perhaps a few I hadn't seen before

My God !

Is this what they do now

To lure people in ?

I must be getting old

I really wanted to read those poems


                    My Motorbike


My wife often asks me

“ Why do you have to write

So often ?  Every day you

Sit there tapping away.”

Well, if you had, for example

A huge, fast motorbike

It doesn't cost you a penny

To ride it, and no matter

What hair raising stunts

You do on it you are

Guaranteed to never get

Hurt, and if you practice

Enough then, you never

Know, you may end up

Being a professional

Motorbike rider. Then I'm

Sure you'd ride it as much

As you possibly could.

This is my motorbike.

Watch as I slide it into the

Bends, in a minute or two

I just might attempt a huge

Death defying leap, over 15

Double decker buses placed

End to end. Yes this is my

Motorbike and I am never

Ever going to stop riding it.

Garlic Bloody Sausage


for the last week or two, 

my wife has had a craving 

of some sort for garlic sausage, 

and cheese slices. I've tried 

every shop, and nearly every 

supermarket in town. today, 

the first shop I tried, an absolutely 

huge supermarket didn't have any. 

So I tried the new one, a supermarket 

that's only just opened. victory !!! 

Internet found it straight away, 

not a problem, not a problem at all. 

so then I looked at the cheeses, 

there we're two types of cheese 

slices. surely I couldn't go wrong 

here. how wrong I was ! they were 

the wrong type, so then I had to 

go back into the supermarket, 

Istand in line, waiting to be served. 

when I was seen, eventually, 

by a bored and surly black woman, 

I had to ask her if I could get a 

refund of one pound, and forty 

nine pence for a packet of the 

wrong sort if cheese slices.. 

then I went back into the shop 

for the THIRD time, to buy another 

brand. of course, these were the 

wrong ones too. by now I was 

beginning to lose my cool. 

So off to a third shop we went. 

in this shop luckily they sold the 

type my wife was after. I say luckily, 

because if they hadn't, I think that I 

may have strangled her. 

It's not the big things in life that will 

finish you off. it's the little, petty 

stuff that you never thought were 

of any importance. it's the garlic 

sausage, and the cheese FUCKING 

slices that drive a person insane. 



Ian Lewis Copestick is a 49 year old writer from Stoke on Trent, England.

He started writing around 2000, but due to a lack of confidence, and the lack of a clue where to send his work, he wasn't published until 2018.

Since then he's had over 350 poems, and several short stories published.

His book " Detritus Of The Drunken Night " was published in 2019 by Cajun Mutt Press, he's also been in several print anthologies, and nominated for the Pushcart Prize.

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