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Friday, November 12, 2021

New Release: Kevin Tosca ZUCCHINI: A MEMOIR (Holy &intoxicated Publications, 2021) 20 pages


Prolific Berlin-based writer Kevin Tosca's recent release ZUCCHINI: A MEMOIR adds another layer to his impressive budding body of his work. 


The chapbook consists of 16 short narrative pieces, some of which have appeared previously, sometimes in slightly different form, in small press publications, such as Cake, Cleaver Magazine, Mojave River Review, Short, Fast, and Deadly and The Broken Plate.


Tosca’s pieces in this chap are usually short quirky narratives. As usual, the writing is inventive, unpredictable- sometimes, off its face. You will find parody, direct speech in the discussion of a film, a character study, relationship dysfunctions, how to create a modern art film- but the form and the words often defy classification. 


Take the following piece ‘Like Nothing Else’ which is dedicated to William Minor, presumably ‘the madman’ who helped Professor James Murray to develop the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary (click on the image to enlarge- all work has been posted with the permission of the writer):

In contrast, the phallic title piece ‘Zucchini’ has a more tactile, naturalistic feel about it:

In summing up his nascent career as a writer, Tosca says in forewording his piece ‘Fresh’, thus far it is difficult to say if I have contributed anything new to the Wide World/ of Ideas. Actually, I have no idea if I have contributed or not, never having, until writing/ this little whatever this is, given this serious matter of any serious thought.”


Tosca remains tight-lipped about his work and future writing prospects. Wonder if he has a bigger, more complex work in progress- and is up to it? 


Find out more about Kevin Tosca’s extensive & incredible writing here:

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