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Thursday, September 3, 2020

New Release: George Douglas Anderson THE PORTAL (Holy & Intoxicated Publications, UK, 2020) 20 pages


Happy to see together 16 of my poems about school in this limited print edition. If you live in Australia and want a signed copy send $7 (includes postage) via PayPal to A huge thanks to John D. Robinson of Holy & Intoxicated Publications for putting this chapbook together!

Here's a sample:

Poetry Writing at Jibbon Beach


Spread out! Go get inspired!

I don’t want anyone sitting together


-The wet lip of the bay shimmering

& at my cool white feet a swirling tangle 

of sea debris like shredded newspaper

& small spinning fragments of  black dust


Nathan, get out of that tree!

You can’t write from up there!

What’s it got to be about, Miss?

Does it have to rhyme?


-Above Kurnell a Qantas jet angles

piercing the blue noon the bubbling rumble

entering through his feet & hands shaking 

pummelling the floppy neck of moment’s sweet silence


Miss, do you have a new pencil, mine broke?

OWWWW!! Stop chucking rocks Ryan!


Time’s up class- we’re going up the hill to read our poetry


Miss, mine’s going to kick ass! This is how it goes:

‘The girl I saw at Bundeena

Oh man! You should have seen her

The sparkle of her gleaming hair

Could dazzle the pants off a grizzly bear.


From the locals she had nothing to fear

Their eyes were focussed on the local deer’


Well done Nathan! Excellent use of end rhyme

And striking and original use of metaphor.


Trevor, you’re next.


Do I have to Miss?…


- the ferry back to Cronulla

wide steel windows of mansions

double glazed   faceless

pulsing lifelong desires

starboard   an unravelling

pan of sparkling yachts

the wind whispering

faintly upon pungent diesel



(originally published by Five Bells, Journal of The Poets' Union)

Gifted & Talented


As a gift one year

a female student

gives me an expensive

silver pen which has

inscribed on it

in posh handwriting:


Greatest English 

  Teacher Ever


Let me tell you


she wasn’t the greatest 

of students either.

Some thoughts on ‘The Portal: School Poems:

George Douglas Anderson

Published by Holy&intoxicated Publications


Although in size and volume ‘The Portal’ is small in stature, it is in fact a big fat mother of a chapbook: the tempered music of the classrooms and its inhabitants have been hammered down silently: the lava flow of words sear with insightful and observations of humanity in its early stages and beyond: there is a value in Anderson’s work that is on the run, it is wanted, for all the right reasons: read : An Early Education: The Poet: Portal;: My HSC Advice: Ribena: as you will feel this yourself: Anderson’s humour punches through here and there but his gentle grip on compassion is strong and intelligent : As a publisher this book was A MUST PRINT: the cover art by Rory Anderson is alone worth the $5:00 and also the art work within: A big fat mother of a book hiding its depth: this is one reason why I love chapbooks: I was left, wanting to read more:


John D Robinson:


Holy&intoxicated Publications: UK

“What I like about Anderson's work is that he writes in the language he knows and without attempt to be "poetical." This lack of pretense, plus his ironic detachment and sense of humor, are the engagingly human qualities that make his work, for me, a pleasure to read.”


Wayne F. Burke

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