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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Featuring Brian Rihlmann


when she smiles at you,
she’s showing her teeth.

Later on,
you’ll understand why.

You’ll have no excuse.
It was all right there—

from the get-go.


Years ago, I discovered 
the limits of photography,
after climbing my first fourteener.

There was a moment,
emerging through that notch
on the flank of Longs Peak 
known as “The Keyhole”;
a sweeping view,
a joyous vertigo 
as the world fell away,
and I soared,
feeling completely alone,
yet completely connected.

Later, I got the photos developed.
I stared into that flattened 
two-dimensional version
of my experience,
and sank. Ruined.

I don’t know what I expected,
but I’d captured nothing.

I think I’m beginning 
to see poetry like that.

It’s like saying, “I love you,”
for the first time.

Or later, when you say,
or don’t quite say, “It’s over.”
But there’s a lot missing,
outside the frame.


I committed what in your eyes
was a Facebook faux pas, 
which was followed by
a couple months of silent treatment, 
followed by deletion.

Having discovered my new
non-friend status,
I took it a step further—
and blocked you.

Then today,
I found your book,
and tore it to pieces.

Right across the back cover
and your smiling face.
Right across the pages
that dripped
with your glorious journey 
through madness.

Pages I loved.
Pages that I thought
understood me.
Pages that betrayed.

It felt pretty fucking good.

I’d say—
do the same to mine.
Maybe you already have.

Except my face 
isn’t on the cover
of my book.

So I win...
I think.

to that awful place
we all know—
you should leave...
should’ve already left
like a bad relationship 
but you hang on
you hang on, cause—
the devil you know, right?
the comfy, well furnished rut...

so you stay awhile
you build your hatreds 
nurture them 
love them
like precious children 

you find ways 
to waste time—
their time
the time they pay you for
the time that’s your life
the time you’ve whored yourself for
for a paycheck
just to survive in this mad system
you’ve never understood 
or accepted

you’ve been told
you should care
you should be grateful 
you’ve tried to swallow this
but you can’t 

you can’t get there from here
you’re not the god of yourself

so you sneak outside
and stand in the sunlight 
you write poems at your desk
you read articles online
or look at porn
and then jerk off 
in the employee bathroom

you train yourself
to move slowly
against what you’ve been taught
against the embedded urge
to race like a fucking lunatic

fuck the work
fuck the orders that MUST go out
or the world will end
just....fuck it!

then you begin
conversing aloud
with your demons
so they’ll know you’re batshit 
you don’t hide it anymore

and when they finally 
shitcan your ass
don’t worry—
you still get the pleasure
of hating their guts


I wish I could write like you
he says
this is a compliment—
I think it is...

he’s a young man
I was young once, too—
I think I was...

do I tell him?
do I say
you might need
more time?  
you might have to go get drunk 
for ten or twenty years
and shatter your heart
a dozen
a hundred 
a thousand times

you might have to
give up writing 
and then go back to it
and then quit again
and start and stop
and start and stop
like breaking up
and going back to her 
over and over
even though
she drives you crazy
even though
she fucks other guys 
while you’re working 
12 hour shifts
graveyard shifts
and why do you think
they call them that?

you might have to
finally pry yourself 
away from her
and roam aimlessly 
around the country
blown by the wind 
like an empty shopping bag
for what you think is missing
and never find it

you can’t find 
the sky
or the earth

all of this is true
but none of it
would be consolation 
just like everything 
that was ever told to me
by older men
agonies already endured
tales told with a chuckle 
and a smile
tragedies ripened to comedy
on the tree of time

so instead
I say
that’s a nice compliment!

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