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Friday, June 1, 2018

New Release: John D. Robinson The Pursuit of Shadows . Analog Submission Press (2018) 20 pages

The latest chapbook by UK poet John D. Robinson is published by Marc Bruseke's Analog Submission Press. The chap features 9 of Robinson's latest poems in a limited run of 25 numbered, hand made and staple bond copies. The cover art is in black ink on a lime green card and is by the ubiquitous Swedish artist Janne Karlsson.

Here's the title poem:

At about 4:30am the door
bell sounded and whoever
it was, was keeping their
finger on the button; I
made it to a window and I
already knew who I’d see;
I went down and let him
in and told him to be
fucking quiet; ‘In here’ I
said; he walked into the
spare room, sat down and
uncapped a cheap bottle
of wine; ‘Fuck you’ I said, closing
the door behind me and
joining him for a drink;
I’d be drunk by 08:30am
and children would be
going to school and people
would be going to work,
people would be rushing
here and there, like it meant
something and I’d be drunk at 
08:30am with my father and my
woman would awake and be
angry with me for being
drunk at 08:30, whilst almost
everyone else was rushing
here and there, all of them,
chasing their own fucking

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