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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Featuring Holy & Intoxicated Publications UK 2nd Poetry Card Series

Here's some new work from Holy & Intoxicated Publications' 2nd Poetry Series featuring Janne Karlsson, Janet Kuypers, Ally Nallnenko, Bradley Mason Hamlin and John Grochalski. The editor, John D. Robinson, is presently scouting poets for the 3rd series to be released in April/ May 2017.

Cast In Stone

I’ve searched a millennia for you
and my love for you
    will survive through the ages
And if they cast us in stone
it will only cement my love for you
for all to see and admire
because even if the elements
    chip away our outer façades
the marble will smooth in time
and my soul will still flourish
being frozen by your side.

©2017 Janet Kuypers

L Street Blonde

thing of it is

should be pure

Louie Armstrong’s trumpet

thing of it is
just this one chance

this life
make an impression

to play
perfect note

kiss that
the one

with the perfect

© 2017 Bradley Mason Hamlin


This right here, sir
is why I don’t take a seat on the trains
not because I’m not tired because I am
and not because my feet don’t hurt
because they do but because every time I do
take a seat on the train
an elderly person gets on
like what happened today
so I get up  and touch her elbow and say,
Do you want to sit down?
and then you, sir, appear out of nowhere
and have already slipped into the seat
that I was offering so I say
Sir, that was, stammering, that seat was for
but you don’t move for a beat
until the woman next to you says
Oh she can sit here and then
you, sir are embarrassed
and get up and pass me hissing

Fucking Jewish Bitch

and I’m too dumbstruck
to respond
not even with a fuck you
or something far more witty
in fact all I can think
as you disappear into the train crowd
and the old woman
sits down
is that I really regret ever
calling you


©  2017   Ally Malinenko

the chicken

the brooklyn sun
is setting tonight
over another national embarrassment
and everyone on this bus
sounds like a computer
with the beeps and whooshes of their gadgets
except this one guy
sitting two seats away
bug-eyed and foaming at the mouth
singing into the white noise
of our artificial intelligence
then clucking like a chicken
before howling like a wolf
ready to blow this whole country down
and threatening his new imaginary friend
as i put away a book that i won’t remember
and stare out the window
at the cop cars taking hostage
another garbage strewn block
watching their blue and red lights swirl
against the sunset and subway tracks
as they got some kids pressed up against
the wall of a closed bagel shop
spread eagle and looking scared
and i sigh too deeply at this
imagine myself awash true sea of tranquility
wading deep in a great and wondrous
something else.

©2017  John Grochalski

Published by John D Robinson
Holy&intoxicated Publications; UK

John D. Robinson of Holy & Intoxicated Publications UK can be contacted here:

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