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Sunday, September 25, 2016

New Release: Tim Peeler Wild in the Strike Zone: Baseball Poems. Rank Stranger Press, Mount Olive North Caroline, 2016 (142 pages).

This is Tim Peeler’s 14th book and his third book of baseball themed collection of poems, which follow his highly regarded Touching All the Bases and Waiting for Godot’s First Pitch.

As Peeler writes in his introductory NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: “The poems collected in Wild in the Strike Zone are gleaned from my work over the past fifteen years. They revisit many of the themes from my earlier work but also include sections on minor league players and outlaw baseball legends. This book is dedicated to R.G. “Hank” Utley who went to the field of dreams two years ago. Mr. Utley was a ball player and passionate historian who introduced me to the "outlaw lore." Wild also contains several poems based on the memories of my longtime colleague and tennis partner, John Billy Baird, who left us in 2014.”

You will find a diversity of highly accessible poems in this collection but a general knowledge of  baseball code and history will greatly enhance your enjoyment of the book.

Find four poems from the collection on BM here:

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