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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Abandoned Buildings in Australia (2016)

Yesterday listened to an interesting program Australia’s ‘Ruin Porn’ on Radio National’s ‘Life Matters’ about two blokes who take photos of abandoned sites- schools, factories, power stations, quarries and the like.

Check out these two sites:

(1) Abandoned Australia: Urban Exploration in Australia:

Tim Frawley provides an overview for each featured ruin post and then evaluates the site under the headings:  Access, Security, Interest, Alone or With a Friend and Dangers. The photos are easily downloadable but you will often find annoying array of tags & poorly executed grafetti.

Here’s an article and short video on Tim Frawley which appeared in the Huffington Post:

Brett Pattman’s LOST COLLECTIVE can be found here:
Fantastic photos and Pattman lets the photos speak for themselves. The photos generally favour an arty, architectural perspective and are handsomely crafted.

The abandoned building phenomenon is a growing world wide trend. Probably the better known sites would be some of the following: