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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

New poems: Jon Bennett

The Bullshit Artist
The kid came down
from a fine arts school in NYC
thought he was hot shit
“What are you trying to accomplish,
ultimately?” he asked
I bent over the wheelbarrow
and mixed in orange juice
“Why, ‘ultimately,’ Carlos?” I asked
“My name’s Elton,” he said
“Is it really?”
My hand-blender blocked
further ancillary conversation,
I needed time to formulate
an appropriate response
This procedure completed
I got out the paintbrushes
No dainty strokes here
I began slathering on
the shiny, brown slurry
starting with my head
so the excess
could travel down my body
something I learned
from the Saddhus of Calcutta
when faced with limited water
“Always start with the head, Carlos!”
I said, “But, to answer your question,”
I paused, used a practiced index finger
to wipe the slime from my lips,
“I wish to seem, that is
to appear to be making
a bold, political statement.”
“About what?” he asked
“Oh,” I said,
“anything really.”


Lee Came Down
“Lee! Come down please!”
Every day the woman arrives
in her best clothes
“Lee! You don’t come down
I’m not giving you this money,
don’t play with me now!”
I’ve never seen
love like this
outside of the movies
“Lee got a new girlfriend!”
someone shouts one day
“He did, huh?” she says
not believing the asshole
and she shouldn’t
Finally, Lee does come down
I see it from my window
tall, lean, and handsome
“Lee! There you are!” she says
“I don’t like you!” says Lee
in the big man’s voice
the neighbors have been hoping for
“Stop coming around here!”
“Some son you are!” 
she yells, voice cracking,
“I don’t have time
for your ragged ass anyhow!”
And I stand corrected
we all do.


Pen and Paper
She’s sitting on the sidewalk
magic markers, an
overworked Bic
drawing spirographs
reminds me of that toy
“They attach a string to a tree,
next thing there’s a tent,
they’re like spiders,”
says the building manager
who carries a razor
when he goes out to smoke
the tents fall like souffles
like collapsed parachutes
like dead soldiers
The homeless die
for different reasons
in the meantime
the girl with pen and paper
draws pyramids,
cat’s eyes, takes notes
on the odd things emergent
from the open closet
in her head
in the end the pen and paper
are mostly there
to keep her company.
I see her and
I write it down.



Jon Bennett writes and plays music in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood. You can find his work on most music streaming websites. A collection of his poems is available on Amazon at  

You can connect with him on Facebook at

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Featuring Richard LeDue

Nice and Tidy

Minutes crawling by like ants,

who probably believe the bottom of your foot

is the devil and your kid's cookie crumbs

god, but eventually the floors will be barren,

well swept and clean enough

to fool the world

into thinking you never made a mess,

or maybe barely even existed.

The Writer's Dream

The truest gamble is getting out of bed

each morning, taking part in the slow death race

we call rush hour, only to find the finish line

is always changing,

until defeat arrives like fresh sheets

on a hospital bed,

but there are ways to win,

like refusing the surrender a Saturday night

to silence and allowing a dead singer

life again in between whisky coloured wagers

that are the safest bets

or chasing the writer's dream,

while others sleepwalk through Netflix,

sensible bed times, keeping track of fibre

in their diets, worrying about blue chip stocks,

succeeding at a job that will kick them

to retirement like they're a half deflated football

doomed to to a thrift store afterlife.

Art Among CGI Explosions

Hundreds of millions of dollars baptize

another Hollywood movie,

while I shortchange myself by being

on hold for an hour,

comparing tenants insurance

to save a couple of hundred of dollars,

and the hold music started to remind of death

breathing hard on the end of an unlisted number,

so I hung up.

My failure small next to a brilliant director,

who was important enough to sell out,

to talk of art among CGI explosions

as I lie in bed, blue as a grey sky,

knowing my own story

wouldn't even warrant practical effects.

Neither Sacred Nor Sacrilegious

Had a good night yesterday,

wrote three poems,

however, tonight I had an invasion of bugs,

tiny ones all over my kitchen floor.

They were small as worries

we forget years later,

yet as I squashed them,

I felt defeated

because I had surrendered my inspiration

to creatures who probably believe crumbs

god's favour and my hands heavenly wrath,

only to leave me in my own purgatory

searching for words, neither sacred nor sacrilegious,

but the closest I'll ever get to salvation.

Not Much of a Memory

Over twenty years ago,

we went to this party up the road

from my friend's house,

which was down the road from a cemetery,

and I drank enough beer

to safely say I don't remember being there,

but I never forgot the walk back at 5 AM.

My friend and I coated in dawn's light

like we were two drunk angels,

only to know for sure now

that I have no idea what we talked about

or why went at all.

The Beauty of It All

Crows atop of telephone lines

watch like angels who chose to leave heaven

and my fingers hide in pockets,

as if they were earthworms

waiting for the preacher's voice.

The twilight sky a rose always

just out of touch.

The beauty of it all a spiritual experience

akin to a heart attack kicking you

out of your body, only to hear your doctor

complain about his golf swing

before you meet dead relatives

who liven up brain death enough

to give you another twenty or thirty years,

wondering why dying felt so good

or if your doctor ever figured out his long game.

Richard LeDue lives in Norway House, Manitoba, Canada. He has published both online and in print. He is the author of ten books of poetry. His latest book, 'Sometimes, It Isn't Much' was released by Alien Buddha Books in February 2024.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Introducing Bagawath Bhandari


 So is Life…


Blooms have wilted,

Clouds have quilted,

Eyes are blue in thought,

Gazing at the meandering roads.


Memories are buried.

Moments are cherished.

The heart is deepening with rhythm.

As life seeks asylum.


Time has gone.

Reminiscing about teary songs,

Moments of silence from deep,

It scares the soul as it peeps.


Leaves are brown.

Lights decorate the town.

Quivering rivers flow down,

The eroding mind is whispering sound.


Nightingale trills,

Cuckoo coos over the hills.

The heart desires to feel,

And bulges in thrill.


Life has escaped.

On a road so paved,

Strolling down the caves,

Singing along the waves.


Juncture of life,

On the sharpness of a knife,

It feels like the spirit is shaken.

Alas! Dreams are awakened.


Tears tickle spurred cheeks,

Wound speaks the language of pricks.

No life is fond of tricks,

As time passes, build thee with each brick.


 A sip of wine,

In the scrumptious dine,

Spins like a turbine,

In deluge and shine.


The fragrance of flowers,

Last for an hour,

So is life,

Last for hours in sight.


Feathery Rain…


The softest touch of the feathery rain cuddles with me,

As it drains down the wind-seal of the car, akin to the sea,

Millions of memories dash through the core of my heart.

As millions of silvery drops gently kiss the dusty earth,


The pink noise of the rain takes me back to my home.

A place where millions of thoughts were born,

Thousands of words were knitted into beautiful verse.

Another verse is born with the sublime touch of rain in the universe.


The dilapidating blooms are reincarnating from the soil.

A bounty of crops is growing from the seed of every toil.

Brownie trees are dancing in nudity amid the kisses of the rain.

As every drop of deluge sings a song of season in the drain.


My heart skips as a tiny drop of deluge dances on my cheek.

A bugging feeling cuts my bristle and makes it prick.

Millions of buried memories are unearthed by the shower.

Another season of life sprouts, akin to the little flower.


An unexpected rain with a soothing breeze warms the creasing soul.

As the earth gets swallowed by the floods in every deepening hole,

Lightning keeps capturing every moment of dampening dreams.

With oceans drinking the tickling water of little streams.


The camera of the past focuses on the present, foreshadowing the future.

As the romance of rain begins to rise in the brownie nature,

The soul gets sodden in the lighter shade of the evening rain.

Evading my mind from my own thoughts of tears and pain.


What a beautiful feel of the rain on my throbbing chest!

Flowing down my spirits devoid of hurdles or rest,

Sky heard the prayers of dying souls in the darkest night.

Bless the restless spirits amidst the shimmering light.

Spark to Dark...

Millions of memories are buried beneath the indigenous land.

Memories built from the tears of indigenous people and blistered hands.

The confused men are gazing at the unendingly flowing river.

In pain of their loss of indigenous identity and are in a shiver.

Millions of kangaroos suffered the inhumane losses,

Where the hundreds of roads are built for the buses,

Uncountable birds died in and out of their beautiful nests.

As humans’ cruelty paved the way only for their best.

The singing songs of the flowing marine aren’t heard anymore.

As she is captivated by humans and cries with her sore,

Life-giving trees and bushes are poisoned by human beings.

Where are those bees and birds tweeting their feelings?

The patches of tiny islands have eluded our eyesight.

In a minute of time, history has collapsed at night.

The homes of animals are being stolen by thieves, humans,

Humans are empty without humanity and acumen.

The serenity of the place is captured only in pictures now.

We lost our identities then and there, devoid of bow,

Children of this century failed to see the real earth.

as the earth is swallowed by the desire of hungry hearts.

Thousands of years of history are silently sleeping beneath the roads.

Thousands of years of intact culture are decaying in our thoughts.

The eternity of the place has gone into the ashtrays.

Buried memories of place and animals are in our praise.

Autumnal Awakening…

The dreaded feelings of loneliness creep into the depths of the heart.

An autumnal sense of smell soars above the brownie earth.

Millions of dried leaves dance on the fence of the guarded home.

Rustling in the whimsical tone of autumn is akin to the sweetest poem.


Millions of particles of dust paint the sky orange and brown.

Holding reminiscences of home in an adjective and calling it a noun,

Desirous nude trees await the elope of sensual leaves.

Arousing the feeling of joy and knotting the lips.


Ripples rippled across the face of the mighty ocean.

As chilly wind sweeps across the horizon in tingling emotion,

An acre of sand wakes up from the beach of the tearing ocean.

As the wind escalates from the shore and dances in an unknown direction.


A thirsty bloom of autumn desires the desirous feel of rain.

To be relished from the aching depths of loneliness and pain,

But your dream of being molested by rain is hidden in the sky.

Deluge fails to fall on bloom and oscillates her eyes.


The cockatoo nestles on the branch and tweets the lyric of autumn.

Capturing the moment of joy and guarding her own kingdom,

The trill of cockatoos resonates in the woods of the hills.

Pinning the soul with a thump of pain and despair in its feel.


Browny leaves, naked trees, trills of nightingales, and songs of the ocean

It burns down my soul with the words of ignorance in proportion.

An enigmatic thought of loneliness travels the entire universe.

As I sit down on the beach with sentiments singing in my verse.

Escaping Summer…


The season of emerald woods eluded in a fraction of time.

As the sun penetrates the clouds and dances in the hymn,

The brown earth smells intoxicating with swirling air.

As summer sets on and brings down the heat of flair,


Millions of beads of sweat form a meandering ocean.

Escaping down the spine and cleansing off the dirtied emotions,

The charcoal-like sand burns down the feeble spirit.

as the body rambles down the mountain in a meandering street.


The windy wind plays the music of forgotten melodies.

As the burning sun kisses the earth in its heating parody,

The eloping sun and the sky make romantic sense.

As love of nature propels in the breeze of life in tense


Birds in nests are the best, as they rest throughout the night.

Winking their eyes and playing with the romantic light,

Wood looks like a painting painted with a brownish hue.

O’ God! The drama of summer is here with no drop of dew.


The summer of bygone days floods my mind and memories.

As thoughts are strangled with those sweetened berries,

The summer used to be the sweetest season of all.

With a gush of wind and the pink noise of rain in every fall


Life then used to be sodden with the touch of rain.

Mind fluttered with butterflies on a flower and surging drain.

Alas! Summer here is dry, with no kisses and cuddles in the shower.

With browny leaves dancing on trees devoid of flowers.


No birds are heard singing those sentimental lyrics.

No bees are seen dancing on roses with every breath in prick.

Life has lost the fragrance and beauty of summer.

Though the ocean flows flawlessly, and cities dance in glamour.

Bio: Bagawath Bhandari is a versatile and enthusiastic writer who excels at telling compelling stories in a variety of genres. Having expertise in poetry, he offers a distinct viewpoint to his writing. Every poem demonstrates his dedication to authenticity and meticulous attention to detail, engrossing readers and making a lasting impression.

©® Bagawath Bhandari

Poetry Hunter